Let me preface this by saying I have nothing against KitchenAid (KA) Stand Mixers.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a very good experience with mine. Our relationship started off strong. If you bake or cook frequently you build up a relationship with your stand mixer. I had high hopes and thought we'd be BFFs. Afterall when you score a KA at a super low price due to a misprint in the Lowes weekly ad, you think the honeymoon will last forever. Nope! Not long after I got it the KA started making bumping noises and moving all over the counter when it mixed anything more than cream. I thought it was just temperamental. It wasn't until my real BFF Racy Tracy (my cookie partner in crime) witnessed the KA making those noises that I realized there might be a problem. Still I lived in denial and hoped my KA would eventually start behaving like the perfect appliance I knew it could be.
Fast forward three years. My KA was still acting up. In October, the paddle blade was hitting too close to the bottom the mixing bowl causing the blade's coating to come off. Chris, my husband/cookie consultant was able to adjust the height of the blade and it seemed a little better. Unfortunately, it was a short lived recovery. On December 22, 2010 my KA stopped working. The top of the mixer was warm and had a burnt smell. Naturally I had more cookies to bake before Christmas and a bowl full of icing that still needed mixed. My KA handmixer had died before Thanksgiving. It's 3 year warrenty had just expired. So what's a baker to do without a mixer? The amount of icing I had prepared was way too much to mix by hand.
So....when you need more power you use power tools.
Heather, I was not a fan of Kitchen Aid either, so I was thrilled when Cuisinart came out with one. I have the 7Qt model and I ♥♥♥ it! It even has a timer, so my royal icing is consistent every time. But being a carpenter's wife I really enjoyed your resourcefulness using a drill! Very creative!
ReplyDeleteSusan, your response on the cookie forum awhile back about your own Cuisinart was so helpful! It definitely helped me make my final decision. If I'd had the extra kitchen space and a bigger budget, I would have gone for the 7Qt. Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting.
ReplyDeleteSuch a sad story! I've heard similar about KA, but mine has been the best thing ever! I bought it in college and have had it for 6 years now! I've bought three since as gifts and they are all going strong! Looking forward to getting another one this year, keeping my fingers crossed to find a good sale on the Pro.
ReplyDeleteThe relationship you have with you appliance is much more important than the brand though! Cuisinart is great too! We have an espresso maker and it's fantastic.
Love the drill :)
I'll keep that in mind if the unspeakable should happen in my kitchen!